Category Archives: Uncategorized

Volume 71, Issue 4 Released

UMLR is proud to make Volume 71, Issue 4 (our Eleventh Circuit Edition) available on our website here. For their insightful contributions, we are very grateful to our authors, among them the late Ervin Gonzalez (UM Law Class of 1985), to whom this Edition is proudly dedicated. UMLR also recognizes the dedication of our Executive Board members, […]

UMLR Member Develops Legal Citation App

One of UMLR’s 3L members, Tuvia Sandler, has developed a new app for Macs called “Legal Cite” that eliminates the time required to format bluebook citations by automating the process. This new app brings some relief to the lives of busy law students and is now available on the app store. Law students will no […]

I Did Not Have Communications with That Russian Diplomat: A Quick Look into Perjury

KARLA UTSET—In 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against then President Bill Clinton. The charges included obstruction of justice and lying under oath to a federal grand jury. The perjury charge was regarding statements made by President Clinton during Paula Jones’ sexual harassment suit against Clinton and in connection with the […]

UMLR Elects Volume 72 Executive Board

It is our privilege to announce that the University of Miami Law Review has elected the Volume 72 Executive Board: Josh Mandel, Editor-in-Chief Karla Utset, Executive Editor Ashley Gomez-Rodon, Executive Editor Olivia Castillo, Executive Editor Luis M. Reyes, Senior Articles Editor Melissa Scott, Senior Notes & Comments Editor Elizabeth McIntosh, Senior Notes & Comments Editor Whitney Lohr, […]