Tag Archives: NCAA

Moneyball: The Landscape of College Athletics in the Wake of NCAA v. Alston

Milind Khurana—Recently, the Supreme Court dismissed NCAA practices for the first time in the past thirty-seven years and, to many, signaled a shifting tide in the conversation regarding student-athlete compensation. In NCAA v. Alston, the Court eliminated NCAA rules barring members from providing unlimited educational benefits to student athletes, such as reimbursements and payments for […]

Does Amateurism Matter?

MATTHEW ZAWISLINSKI—Life is getting harder and harder for the NCAA these days. With attacks coming from sports media personalities and state legislatures, the NCAA is facing more threats than ever before. While its name, image, and likeness rules have received substantial scrutiny in the last year, the NCAA’s gravest concern should be attacks on its […]

California Puts the Ball in the NCAA’s Court with the Fair Pay to Play Act

SAVANNAH PADGETT— On September 30th, California Governor Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act that gives student-athletes the right to use their name, likeness, and image for profit. Starting in January of 2023, when the law goes into effect, student-athletes at California universities will be able to enter into contracts commercializing their identities. The new law does not require universities […]

High Stakes: The Fight for Legalized Sports Gambling and its Underlying Impact on Federalism

NICHOLAS DILTS—Every spring, the NCAA men’s basketball tournament becomes one of the largest events in the country as millions tune in to watch the fascinating and heart-wrenching action that is “March Madness.” During this past year’s tournament, it was reported that roughly $10 billion was going to be wagered on the tournament, but that only […]

Lowering Your Academic Standards is Your Problem, Not the NCAA’s

BRYAN WALSH—After a long, drawn out investigation that left the Tar Heels wallowing in purgatory for over three years, the NCAA made its decision on the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Basketball scandal on October 13, 2017. In the proceedings leading up to the final judgment, the University admitted that it had administered […]