Tag Archives: Eleventh Circuit

Florida Supreme Court Stops Government from Obtaining Cell-Phone Location Data Without Warrant; Will Eleventh Circuit Follow Suit?

BY JEREMY H. D’AMICO — Anyone who has seen CSI knows that the government can locate the position of a person’s cell phone when a call is made. But maybe you did not know that the government has been able to use Cell Site Location Information (“CSLI”) to track the location of a cellular device […]

SCOTUS To Weigh Denial of Hearing to Contest Pretrial Asset Seizures Against the Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause

BY LINDSAY ADKIN — The United States Government deposited more than $4.2 billion in its asset forfeiture fund during the 2012 fiscal year. That was more than double what the Government deposited in each of the two previous years. Asset forfeiture became a common practice after Congress first passed asset forfeiture statutes in the 1970s. […]

Judge Marcia Cooke Strikes Down Florida’s “Firearms Owners’ Privacy Act”; State Appeals

BY SCOTT SQUIRES — In 1983, the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”) implemented “The Injury Prevention Program” (“TIPP”). TIPP provides pediatricians with safety counseling guidelines to discuss with patients and parents. A quick read through the guidelines provides a crash course in Parenting 101: secure the car seat, install gates on stairways and pools, keep […]

What Makes a Boat a Boat? Hint—It Is Not “Anything That Floats”

BY NATALIE HARRISON — Back in October, UMLR candidate Adam Fischer described oral arguments in Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach. Lozman involved an in rem action, under the Federal Maritime Lien Act, by the City of Riviera Beach against Fane Lozman’s floating home. Mr. Lozman protested that his home was a “floating residential structure,” more […]

11th Circuit Judge Adalberto Jordan Discusses His Remarkable Career and Memories of UM Law Review

BY JC ZAMORA — Judge Adalberto José Jordan left Havana with his family in the late 1960s, and began one of the most remarkable Cuban-American success stories in Miami history. In the course of a few decades, Judge Jordan went from an immigrant child to top-of-his-class student at Miami Law (and a UMLR member) to […]