Tag Archives: Legal profession

Lawyers and Depression: Understanding the Connection

BY ELIZABETH TRENARY — A recent CNN report is drawing attention to a disturbing statistic: “Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to suffer from depression than non-lawyers.” There are many reasons why lawyers may suffer from depression at a much higher rate than non-lawyers or other professionals. Being a lawyer can be stressful in many […]

2+2=5: The Growing Distaste for Math and Science in the Legal Profession, and the Consequences that Flow Therefrom

BY MAXIMILIAN VISKI-HANKA — “The context in which [science and technology] issues arise varies widely, but generally they share one characteristic: They challenge the ability of judges and juries to comprehend the issues—and the evidence—and to deal with them in informed and effective ways. As a result, they tend to complicate the litigation, increase expense […]

Funny Business Gets Serious: Judge Moreno Orders Ethical Inquiry Into Attorney Who Assisted NCAA With UM Investigation

BY CHRISTINA HIMMEL — Recently, news broke that Chief U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno in the Southern District of Florida began asking questions about the propriety of the relationship between the NCAA and Nevin Shapiro’s bankruptcy attorney, Maria Elena Perez. Specifically, Judge Moreno wants to determine whether the relationship between the NCAA and Perez was […]

Can You “Friend” Your Judge? Florida’s Highest Court Will Decide

BY BRIAN SCHMELKIN — The Florida Supreme Court is expected to decide an extremely pertinent issue that has arisen as a result of the social networking wave: Can a judge preside over a case in which one of the attorneys is the judge’s Facebook “friend”? In Domville v. Florida, the Fourth District Court of Appeals […]

Despite Advancements, Female Lawyers Still Trail Men In Advancement, Compensation

BY CUSHLA TALBUT — In the 1873 case of Bradwell v. Illinois, Justice Joseph Bradley famously held that the Illinois Bar was within its rights to deny admission to a woman, Myra Bradwell, solely on the basis of her gender. In an infamous and oft-quoted passage, Justice Bradley pondered the role of women and the […]