Tag Archives: UMLR CAVEAT

Turkish Delight: Operation Peace Spring And Its Ramifications For The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

George Bell —  “The parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.” So reads the preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty, which established the largest military peacetime alliance in world history. A […]

The Cost of Business: Amazon’s Self-Exposure to Products Liability – Oberdorf v. Amazon

Henry Moreno —On July 3, 2019, The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit dealt a massive blow to Amazon’s liability armor. In Oberdorf v. Amazon, The Third Circuit reversed summary judgment and held Amazon was susceptible to products liability claims arising from injuries sustained by third-party vendor products. Postured under diversity jurisdiction, […]

Bilateral Monopoly, Two-Sided Markets, and the E-Books Conspiracy

BY ROGER D. BLAIR & WENCHE WANG,* 69 U. Miami L. Rev. Caveat 7 (2015). In response to John B. Kirkwood, Collusion to Control a Powerful Customer: Amazon, E-Books, and Antitrust Policy, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 1 (2014). I. Introduction Professor Kirkwood has gone well beyond providing an analytically coherent account of the “E-books Conspiracy.”[1] Amazon purchased e-books […]

The E-Books Conspiracy: Crossing the Line Between Applying and Creating Law

BY TOM CAMPBELL,* 69 U. Miami L. Rev. Caveat 1 (2015). In response to John B. Kirkwood, Collusion to Control a Powerful Customer: Amazon, E-Books, and Antitrust Policy, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 1 (2014). The first part of Professor John Kirkwood’s article, Collusion to Control a Powerful Customer: Amazon, E-Books, and Antitrust Policy, could stand alone as an […]