Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Turkish Delight: Operation Peace Spring And Its Ramifications For The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

George Bell —  “The parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.” So reads the preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty, which established the largest military peacetime alliance in world history. A […]

Is Attorney-Client Privilege Dead?: The FBI’s Raid of Michael Cohen’s Office and His Communications with President Trump

MICHAEL ZILBER—On April 9th, FBI agents—upon referral by special counsel Robert Mueller to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York—raided Michael Cohen’s office. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime attorney, is currently being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud, and campaign finance violations. As part of its raid, the FBI seized Cohen’s […]

Building a Wall Around the Internet

JAVIER ROLDAN CORA—Donald J. Trump officially took office on January 20, and the new executive has already been hard at work taking steps to fulfill the many promises made during his campaign. Seven days into his presidency, Mr. Trump had already signed more than a dozen executive orders. From “minimizing the burden” of the Affordable […]

A “Huge” Conflict of Interest? The Impact and Influence of President-Elect Trump’s Business Holdings

JUSTIN M. L. STERN—“I’m really rich,” Donald Trump announced to nobody’s surprise in June of 2015, reaffirming that he (1)  has a lot of money and (2) wants people to know it. That he is fantastically wealthy should not be a surprise—steaks, wine, and bottled water aside, Mr. Trump has made significant amounts of money […]

Can President-elect Trump opt out of his 75 pending lawsuits? A closer look at the implications of Nixon v. Fitzgerald and Clinton v. Jones

ASHLEY GOMEZ-RODON—On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump, who identifies himself as the “definition of the American success story,” will be able to add another line to his growing resume—President of the United States.  But as a businessman, reality television personality, and real estate tycoon, President-elect Trump has been a party to his fair share of […]