Tag Archives: Florida law

Florida S.B. 48: The Florida Senate Prepares to Historically Expand School Choice

NICOLAS BRISCOE—The school choice movement has regained steam in the midst of a pandemic that has seen schools across the country shuttered at the behest of politically powerful teachers’ unions. According to the Center on Reinventing Education, parents are struggling to adapt to the remote learning environment: they are spread too thinly and are unable […]

The Florida Supreme Court Makes a Ruling Using Local University Student Handbook; Says to SCOTUS, “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!”

BY CRAIG TOMPKINS — The Florida Supreme Court, along with several other state supreme courts, over the past twenty years, has attempted to push back against the Supreme Court of the United States’ (“SCOTUS”) precedent on arbitration clauses. As a preliminary matter, the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), as decided by SCOTUS over 40 years ago, […]

Zero Tolerance Policies in Florida Schools: Shifting from Incapacitation to Rehabilitation

BY KARLA ALBITE — The Florida system of juvenile justice has achieved a reputation of being highly punitive thanks to its “Tough Love” policy.  This reputation has developed through the state’s zero tolerance approach to school discipline.  Under a zero tolerance regime, any infraction, regardless of the severity, is penalized, and there need be no […]

Ringing the Capital: Justice Sotomayor Questions the Validity of Alabama’s (and Florida’s) Capital Punishment Regime

BY ZACHARY D. LUDENS — In the closing issue of the University of Miami Law Review’s 67th Volume, Brendan Ryan offered a thoughtful analysis of Florida’s capital punishment regime and one United States District Judge’s determination that this regime was no longer constitutional. Although the Supreme Court of the United States ultimately declined to address […]

The Legal Dangers of High School Dating

BY ANAILI MEDINA — High school: a place to meet people? Make friendships? Make mistakes? Or get into relationships that last, end, or get you in jail? High school students usually span from ages fourteen to eighteen. Freshmen and seniors may have elective classes and/or play sports together. They may have common friends and common […]