Tag Archives: regulation

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: Self-Regulation, State-Regulation, and Everything In-Between

DYLAN JOHN MENCIA­­­—Most people have heard the term “artificial intelligence” (often referred to in its abbreviated form, “AI”) and have likely heard of the benefits that this burgeoning field of technology promises to bring. What has not been talked about as much, however, is how we as a society plan to regulate these new technologies […]

Media and Telecom: Vertical Mergers and the Regulatory Road Ahead

BOBBY RENZI—On October 22, 2016, AT&T and Time Warner agreed to a $108.7 billion merger. Over one year later, the U.S. Justice Department filed a civil antitrust lawsuit to block the merger. The case is now in trial before Judge Richard Leon in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The outcome of the […]

Have we Moved the Needle on Cryptocurrency Regulations?

SARAH VALENTI—The regulation of cryptocurrencies has been the subject of several high profile hearings over the past few months. Despite all the attention, have we moved any closer to establishing regulations on this emerging market? Likely not, based on the IRS’s failure to put out comprehensive guidelines for investors and Congress’ failure to competently hold […]

Bitcoin: Legal Tender or Monopoly Money?

JOSEPHINE JORGENSEN—2017 is a big year for Bitcoin: its value continues to rise and reach new records. Bitcoin reached a record high of more than $7,400 on November 3, bringing the market capitalization above $124 billion. Those that bought into Bitcoin early on have made an impressive return on their investment. An original investment of […]