Tag Archives: Florida Supreme Court

Florida Supreme Court Stops Government from Obtaining Cell-Phone Location Data Without Warrant; Will Eleventh Circuit Follow Suit?

BY JEREMY H. D’AMICO — Anyone who has seen CSI knows that the government can locate the position of a person’s cell phone when a call is made. But maybe you did not know that the government has been able to use Cell Site Location Information (“CSLI”) to track the location of a cellular device […]

The Florida Supreme Court Makes a Ruling Using Local University Student Handbook; Says to SCOTUS, “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!”

BY CRAIG TOMPKINS — The Florida Supreme Court, along with several other state supreme courts, over the past twenty years, has attempted to push back against the Supreme Court of the United States’ (“SCOTUS”) precedent on arbitration clauses. As a preliminary matter, the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), as decided by SCOTUS over 40 years ago, […]

Can You “Friend” Your Judge? Florida’s Highest Court Will Decide

BY BRIAN SCHMELKIN — The Florida Supreme Court is expected to decide an extremely pertinent issue that has arisen as a result of the social networking wave: Can a judge preside over a case in which one of the attorneys is the judge’s Facebook “friend”? In Domville v. Florida, the Fourth District Court of Appeals […]

The Troubling Case of John E. Ferguson: Procedural Failure, Mental Illness, and the Death Penalty In Florida

BY LACEY STUTZ — On September 5, 2012, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a death warrant for John Errol Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson, who has been on death row for thirty-four years, was convicted and sentenced to death for eight counts of first-degree murder in 1978. Six of the murders were execution-style killings that occurred during […]

Move To Oppose Merit Retention of Justices Poses Serious Threat to Judicial Independence

BY STACY BYRD — Headlines this election season might be dominated by national politics, but in Florida, there’s a crucial election issue that most voters are alarmingly unaware of. The Republican Party of Florida, in conjunction with national conservative interest groups and PACs, has launched a campaign to encourage voters to oppose the merit retention […]