Submissions: Online Edition

University of Miami Law Review Caveat

University of Miami Law Review Caveat is the University of Miami Law Review‘s official online companion publication. UMLR Caveat features short essays by law professors, judges, practicing lawyers, and scholars from other disciplines. Further, UMLR Caveat offers its contributors an opportunity to respond to articles printed in the University of Miami Law Review. This extension of the Law Review’s printed pages allows for quick dissemination of the legal community’s initial impressions of important judicial decisions, legislative developments, and timely legal policy issues.

We welcome any submission that would meaningfully contribute to academic legal discourse. Submissions may respond to the articles and essays that we publish in both our print edition and UMLR Caveat. Submissions may also explore new ideas that are unrelated to our print content, or comment on legal issues that are of current interest. Due to the volume of quality submissions that we receive, we are unable to consider student-submitted articles at this time.

Submission Guidelines

When reviewing submissions, University of Miami Law Review Caveat considers whether the pieces are topical and relevant to legal discourse. Submissions selected for publication on UMLR Online will undergo an expedited editing process.

University of Miami Law Review Caveat strongly prefers submissions of around 3,000 words, and cannot accept essays below 2,200 words (not including footnotes) or over 3,500 words (including footnotes). Submissions should be written in a style accessible to a general audience of practitioners and policy-makers.

University of Miami Law Review Caveat only accepts electronic submissions. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to the Senior Articles Editor in Microsoft Word format. The subject line of the email should read “University of Miami Law Review Caveat Submission.” Submissions should be in Times New Roman, no smaller than 12-point font, should utilize footnotes instead of endnotes, and should have numbered pages. All submissions must include (1) a cover letter that indicates what issue the submission is addressing or responding to, (2) a copy of the manuscript, and (3) the author’s most recent resume or C.V.

University of Miami Law Review Insights

University of Miami Law Review Insights is the University of Miami Law Review’s online blog. UMLR Insights features editorials on legal issues of current interest by all who are affiliated with the University of Miami Law Review, including current students, faculty, and alumni.

 Submission Guidelines

University of Miami Law Review Insights hosts three basic kinds of stories: (1) analysis of timely legal issues; (2) interviews with former UMLR members; and (3) news about notable achievements by UMLR members and alumni. 

University of Miami Law Review Insights will only accept submissions of between 500 and 1,000 words. Submissions should be written in a style accessible to a general audience of practitioners and policy-makers. Submissions selected for publication on UMLR Insights will undergo an expedited editing process.

We only accept electronic submissions to UMLR Insights. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to the Digital Editor in Microsoft Word format. The subject line of the email should read “University of Miami Law Review Insights Submission.” Submissions should be in Times New Roman, no smaller than 12-point font, and should utilize hyperlinks as citations. All submissions must include the author’s most recent resume or C.V.

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