Tag Archives: Undocumented immigrants

A Legal Defense for UnDACAmented Immigrants

ISABELLA LLANO—On September 5, 2017, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, leaving roughly 800,000 DACA recipients in a state of uncertainty. In his announcement, Sessions claimed that the creation of DACA was an “unconstitutional exercise of authority by the Executive Branch.” As a […]

Fee Exemptions and Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals – A Primer

BY DAVID WERNER — Just weeks ago, the Department of Homeland Security–facing $3.2 billion in sequestration related budget cuts–released thousands detainees from detention facilities nationwide. Between February 9 and March 1, DHS released 2,228 individuals, including 225 detainees within Miami’s ICE jurisdiction.  While DHS granted these former detainees freedom from incarceration, they still face deportation proceedings. However, […]

DHS Moves Toward Accepting Same-Sex Relationships In the Immigration Context

BY PAULINA VALANTY — The Department of Homeland Security announced last fall that it would start considering same-sex partners as family for removal purposes. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the policy shift in a letter, stating that DHS will issue guidelines to its field officers clarifying the term “family relationships” to include “long-term, same-sex partners” […]

Does “Deferred Action” Affect Undocumented Immigrants’ Ability To Practice Law?

BY SAM WARDLE — A recent brief filed with the Florida Supreme Court raises an interesting question. Does the Obama Administration’s new “deferred action” policy for undocumented immigrants affect those immigrants’ ability to practice law? Jose Godinez-Samperio argues that it does. Godinez-Samperio is an undocumented immigrant who was brought by his parents to the United […]