Tag Archives: arbitration

Rethinking Art-Related Disputes: How the Court of Arbitration for Art Plans to Revolutionize Decision-Making Accuracy and Appease the Art Market

STEPHANIE ROSNER—On January 1, 2019, the Court of Arbitration for Art (CAfA) began accepting art-related disputes for review. This step marks the latest development in the formation of the long-anticipated art law tribunal, which formally launched on June 7, 2018 during the Authentication in Art 2018 Congress. Although the CAfA is based in the Hague, […]

Individualized Injuctions and Non-Modification Terms: Challenging “Anti-Reform” Provisions in Arbitration Clauses

BY MYRIAM GILLES, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 469 (2015). Introduction: Maybe you’ve heard, the United States Supreme Court has been on a bit of a pro-arbitration tear recently, upholding ever-more draconian dispute resolution clauses inserted in standard-form contracts against all sorts of legal and policy-based challenges. The most recent cases to arrive at the Court […]

ICC Arbitration Conference To Address Emerging Legal Issues In International Sporting Events

BY ALEC HEYDEMANN — This November 11-13, the International Chamber of Commerce will host the annual Miami International Arbitration in Latin America conference.  This meeting marks the tenth anniversary of the ICC’s annual Miami conference and will highlight current and future issues in international arbitration, with a particular focus on topics involved in the 2012 London Olympic games, as […]