Category Archives: Uncategorized

Volume 71, Issue 1 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 1 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the collection of essays, articles, and notes. UMLR dedicated countless hours and significant effort to bring Issue 1 to fruition and we are proud of the final product. Thank you to everyone that made Volume 71, Issue […]

2015 Law Review Writing Competition

The 2015 Law Review Writing Competition is a week-long competition designed to test participants’ writing, grammar, and editing skills, which are vital to succeeding on a law review. All six of the University of Miami’s law reviews strongly encourage you to participate. Please review the information below, which contains the registration and competition dates, along […]

“He’s a Black Male . . . Something Is Wrong With Him!” The Role of Race in the Stand Your Ground Debate

BY D. MARVIN JONES, 68 U. Miami L. Rev. 1025 (2014). Introduction: George Zimmerman claimed to know quite a lot about Trayvon Martin. “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something,” Zimmerman tells the 911 operator. “He’s just staring, looking at all the houses. Now he’s coming toward […]

The Siren Is Calling: Economic and Ideological Trends Toward Privatization of Public Police Forces

BY KARENA RAHALL — The landmark Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United has opened the floodgates to allow unlimited corporate campaign donations, and Supreme Court doctrine is shifting back to the Lochner-era’s focus on economic rights. At the same time, there are efforts underway across the United States to privatize public services in order to […]