Author Archives: Kevin Huguelet

Florida Supreme Court Erroneously Concedes Constitutional Authority to Regulate the Bar in Godinez-Samperio

INGA IVSAN—In Florida Bd. of Bar Examiners re Question as to Whether Undocumented Immigrants are Eligible for Admission to the Fla. Bar(“Godinez-Samperio”), the Supreme Court of Florida was asked whether an undocumented immigrant was eligible for admission to the Florida Bar. Concluding that a 1996 federal law prevented the State from doing so absent passage […]

Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Spiraling Towards Statehood?

ANNELISE DEL RIVERO—The United States’ favorite territory is in trouble: Puerto Rico is currently sinking fast under a crippling debt of over $70 billion dollars. Puerto Rican leadership admitted in 2015 that the territory will be unable to pay its debts and is running out of money.  The outlook on the island is bleak—unemployment is […]

An Empty Seat: The Consequences of an Eight Justice Court and the Opportunity For An Even Split

BROOKE PATTERSON—The surprising death of Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in early February was met with a mixture of shock and surprise. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his arguments or opinions, his death leaves the Court with only eight sitting justices, until a new justice can be confirmed. And while there have been […]

“Borrower defense” and the Law Student: A New Way to Discharge Student Loans?

LANETTE SUAREZ—Student loans. Those two words haunt and cause anxiety for many students across the country before and after they receive that precious diploma. Many students take out loans to attend college or graduate school, incurring in some cases more than $100,000 of debt in order to attain their degree. Law students in particular know […]

The Facts, Ma’am, Just the Facts: A Brief and Succinct Overview of the Case Against Trump University

FRANCO FURMANSKI—As the Presidential Primaries reach their deciding stages, this year’s drama-filled election process will only get more chaotic—especially on the Republican side. A particularly interesting political ploy used by trailing GOP candidates against the current leader—Donald Trump—involves a class action suit (well, actually two class action suits) filed by individuals who signed up for […]