Category Archives: Featured Post

Can President-elect Trump opt out of his 75 pending lawsuits? A closer look at the implications of Nixon v. Fitzgerald and Clinton v. Jones

ASHLEY GOMEZ-RODON—On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump, who identifies himself as the “definition of the American success story,” will be able to add another line to his growing resume—President of the United States.  But as a businessman, reality television personality, and real estate tycoon, President-elect Trump has been a party to his fair share of […]

Battle for the Blue: A Layman’s Guide to the Philippines v. China Arbitration Decision

WHITNEY LOHR—This summer, an arbitral tribunal established under the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) decided a dispute concerning maritime rights and sovereignty in the South China Sea. The Philippines approached the tribunal armed with an international team of agents and legal advocates specializing in the Law of the Sea. China’s strategy was […]

Unanimity or Bust: The Changing Landscape of the Death Penalty in Florida

JORDAN GRAY—No matter where you fall in the depths of the death penalty debate, it is undisputed that Florida currently has the second largest death-row population in the country with almost four hundred inmates waiting to meet the needle that will put an end to their years in solitary. But times may be changing. Prior […]

Volume 71, Issue 1 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 1 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the collection of essays, articles, and notes. UMLR dedicated countless hours and significant effort to bring Issue 1 to fruition and we are proud of the final product. Thank you to everyone that made Volume 71, Issue […]

Miami’s Affordable Housing Crisis: Mapping the Need for Housing Preservation

ELLEN DEGNAN—The City of Miami is in the midst of an affordable housing crisis. In 2014, it had the highest rate of cost-burdened renters in the nation: 66.2 percent of Miami renters spent more than 30 percent of household income on rent and utilities. Even more astonishing, 37 percent of all renters and 83 percent […]