Category Archives: Featured Post

Legal Fixed Income: The Rise of Litigation Financing

DANIEL NARCISO—On January 17, 2017, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California announced changes to its Standing Order that requires automatic disclosure of third-party funding agreements for proposed class-action lawsuits. In short, the court has made it a requirement that any outside party funding a proposed class action will have to disclose […]

UMLR Member Develops Legal Citation App

One of UMLR’s 3L members, Tuvia Sandler, has developed a new app for Macs called “Legal Cite” that eliminates the time required to format bluebook citations by automating the process. This new app brings some relief to the lives of busy law students and is now available on the app store. Law students will no […]

I Did Not Have Communications with That Russian Diplomat: A Quick Look into Perjury

KARLA UTSET—In 1998, the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against then President Bill Clinton. The charges included obstruction of justice and lying under oath to a federal grand jury. The perjury charge was regarding statements made by President Clinton during Paula Jones’ sexual harassment suit against Clinton and in connection with the […]

Charter Schools: The Key to Our Children’s Success?

JILLIAN KOVLER—Every day, we wake up to news stories about controversial cabinet appointments and highly contested subjects being debated in Congress. But House Bill 610 is especially worrisome for parents and public school advocates alike. This bill establishes an educational voucher program in which the states distribute funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). These LEAs […]

Volume 71, Issue 2 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 2 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the opening remarks provided by Justice Stevens and Len Niehoff, along with a variety of essays, articles, and student notes. UMLR spent countless hours bringing Issue 2 to fruition and we are proud of the final […]