Category Archives: Law Review members

Florida Law Makers Threaten the Restoration of Voting Rights: Is It Constitutional?

I. Introduction ANGEL SANCHEZ & ANNEKE DUNBAR-GRONKE—During the November 2018 elections, Floridians overwhelmingly voted to pass Amendment 4, which historically repealed the 150-year-old Jim-Crow era practice of permanently stripping voting rights from those with felony convictions. The Amendment’s passage ensured that all individuals with felony convictions in Florida, except those convicted of murder or a […]

Business and Marijuana: It May Be Time to Settle the Issue

MICHAEL CLINCH—Americans’ views on marijuana continue to shift in a favorable direction, fueling continued growth in the cannabis industry. Recreational marijuana is now legal in ten states and the District of Columbia, and New Jersey is likely to become number eleven. Also, thirty-three states and the District of Columbia allow some form of medical marijuana. […]

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: Self-Regulation, State-Regulation, and Everything In-Between

DYLAN JOHN MENCIA­­­—Most people have heard the term “artificial intelligence” (often referred to in its abbreviated form, “AI”) and have likely heard of the benefits that this burgeoning field of technology promises to bring. What has not been talked about as much, however, is how we as a society plan to regulate these new technologies […]

The Criminalization of Homelessness in a Post-Pottinger World

AMELIA DAYNES—In February of this year, Judge Moreno of the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida dissolved the Pottinger Agreement, a landmark consent decree that led the nation in establishing protection for people experiencing homelessness. The original Pottinger Agreement was reached in 1998, after ten years of litigation and negotiation between the […]

Wealthy Families Don’t Need Bribes

KEIGAN VANNOY—On Tuesday March, 12, 2019, the FBI announced that 33 individual parents from some of the wealthiest families in the United States would be indicted and criminally prosecuted for various acts of bribery and fraud. Those parents collectively paid $25 million to buy admission slots for their children at prestigious and selective universities across […]