Tag Archives: Drones

Recreational Drone Regulation: Is the Free-For-All Coming to an End?

ANNIE BRETT—Recreational drone use has exploded in recent years, rising to over 700,000 unit sales in 2015 alone. While this rise has enabled the general public to explore and utilize the nation’s airspace for the first time, concerns have grown about the safety of widespread drone use. Airplane pilots regularly report interference from drones during […]

Privacy In Public

BY JOEL R. REIDENBERG, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 141 (2014). Introduction: Data gathering drones at 17,500 feet, cell phone-based GPS trackers, wide distribution of facial recognition software, always-connected Google Glass, and social network tools all demonstrate extraordinary technical capabilities and collectively reflect that wide-scale deployment of information technology creates a very transparent world. In […]

Wings Clipped: Amazon’s Prime Air Drone Delivery Pipe Dream

BY ANTONIO HERNANDEZ — On the morning of December 1, 2013, America turned its focus to the future of commercial drones, or Unmanned Aviation Systems (“UAS”), as the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) calls them. The night before, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos showed off Amazon’s “octocopter” drones to CBS’ “60 Minutes.” He optimistically envisions that within possibly […]