Category Archives: Law Review members

Charter Schools: The Key to Our Children’s Success?

JILLIAN KOVLER—Every day, we wake up to news stories about controversial cabinet appointments and highly contested subjects being debated in Congress. But House Bill 610 is especially worrisome for parents and public school advocates alike. This bill establishes an educational voucher program in which the states distribute funds to local educational agencies (LEAs). These LEAs […]

Volume 71, Issue 2 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 2 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the opening remarks provided by Justice Stevens and Len Niehoff, along with a variety of essays, articles, and student notes. UMLR spent countless hours bringing Issue 2 to fruition and we are proud of the final […]

A Feud of Property and Procedure: A Planned Parenthood Affiliate’s Win in the Florida Supreme Court

LAURA CONNOR—On Thursday, February 23, an Orlando-area Planned Parenthood affiliate won a procedural victory in the Florida Supreme Court. The Court overturned two lower-court decisions that had temporarily blocked the Kissimmee Health Center, a Planned Parenthood affiliate, from providing abortions. The dispute, however, arose from property restrictions that were implemented over three decades ago. In […]

Privacy Problems for Surveillance in the Workplace

MELISSA SCOTT—Most employees in the workplace can expect to be monitored to a fair extent. The use of company internet and email suggests a level of oversight. A 2002 survey by the Bentley College Center For Business Ethics discovered that 92% of American businesses with ethics officers monitor their employees’ email accounts. However, businesses have […]

UMLR Elects Volume 72 Executive Board

It is our privilege to announce that the University of Miami Law Review has elected the Volume 72 Executive Board: Josh Mandel, Editor-in-Chief Karla Utset, Executive Editor Ashley Gomez-Rodon, Executive Editor Olivia Castillo, Executive Editor Luis M. Reyes, Senior Articles Editor Melissa Scott, Senior Notes & Comments Editor Elizabeth McIntosh, Senior Notes & Comments Editor Whitney Lohr, […]