Category Archives: Law Review alumni

Volume 71, Issue 1 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 1 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the collection of essays, articles, and notes. UMLR dedicated countless hours and significant effort to bring Issue 1 to fruition and we are proud of the final product. Thank you to everyone that made Volume 71, Issue […]

UMLR Alumni Advisory Board Member Featured in Daily Business Review

UMLR would like to highlight one of its Alumni Advisory Board members, Peter Prieto, for being featured in the August 29, 2016 edition of the Daily Business Review. The publication wrote a piece about Prieto in its “Profiles in Law” section. The article is titled, “Prieto Plays at Top of His Profession in High-Profile MDL […]

UMLR Alumni Makes Partner

UMLR would like to congratulate our former Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Mamounas, on his recent promotion to Partner at Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP. Joe was a member of UMLR from 2005–2007, and he held the position of Editor-in-Chief from 2006–2007. Joe’s practice areas include business litigation, international arbitration, and white collar criminal matters. His […]

Giving Judge Tjoflat’s Deference Analysis Its Due

BY JONATHAN D. COLAN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 973 (2015). Introduction: In United States v. Williams, Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat sought to clarify the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 3742(e)’s “due deference” standard and to fix, what he considered to be, the Eleventh Circuit’s inconsistent application of this provision in federal criminal sentencing appeals. Judge Tjoflat’s mission failed. […]

Congratulations to Bar-Passing UMLR Alumni

The current Members and Candidates of the University of Miami Law Review, Volume 70, would like to extend our most sincere congratulations to all of the UMLR Alumni who recently learned that they passed the Bar Examination. The Bar Examination is grueling in any state, but, in Florida, the two-day Exam is a particularly demanding requirement for admission to […]