Category Archives: Featured

Privacy as Trust: Sharing Personal Information in the Twenty-First Century

BY ARI EZRA WALDMAN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 559 (2015). Introduction: Most individuals think of the private world as a place distinct or separate from other people. Private spheres presume the existence of public spheres, but only as things from which to detach. I disagree. What follows is a reorientation of the way we think about […]

The (Non)-Right to Sex

BY MARY ZIEGLER, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 631 (2015). Introduction: With the growing influence of the marriage equality movement, scholars have criticized the “domesticated liberty” pursued by activists and ratified by the Court. The privileging of marriage and marital-like relationships has prompted intense debate within the gay rights community. Some see access to marriage as a […]

Toward a Jurisprudence of Psychiatric Evidence: Examining the Challenges of Reasoning from Group Data in Psychiatry to Individual Decisions in the Law

BY CARL E. FISHER, DAVID L. FAIGMAN & PAUL S. APPELBAUM, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 631 (2015). Introduction: In the conventional view, scientific fields advance through the concerted efforts of researchers dedicated to studying phenomena to better describe, predict, and not infrequently, control them. As basic research data accumulate, they often are applied to specific instances of the phenomena being studied. Meteorologists, […]

When God Demands Blood: Unusual Minds and the Troubled Juridical Ties of Religion, Madness, and Culpability

BY RABIA BELT, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 755 (2015). Introduction: When Robert Crenshaw and his wife were on their honeymoon in Canada in 1982, Robert got into a fight and was deported back to the United States. He found a motel room just across the border in Blaine, Washington and waited for his wife. Upon her arrival two […]