Category Archives: Featured Post

Faithful Execution of Florida Law, or of Florida Citizens?

SYDNEY FELDMAN—As State Attorney for Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit, Aramis Ayala is “the prosecuting officer of all trial courts in the [Ninth Circuit].” Fla. Const. art. V, § 17. In this capacity, Ayala is charged daily with making “tough choices as to which crimes to prosecute and which penalties to pursue in consideration of [her] […]

HIPAAH! The Morning After Your Healthcare Information is Hacked

MEGAN CHENEY—Following the massive Equifax data breach, industries are feeling the ripple effects of shock and large-scale consumer frustration over a perceived lack of data security. Among those shifting uncomfortably in their seats are healthcare organizations, whose data is even more lucrative to cyber criminals than credit information. The morning after your healthcare information is […]

A Legal Defense for UnDACAmented Immigrants

ISABELLA LLANO—On September 5, 2017, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, leaving roughly 800,000 DACA recipients in a state of uncertainty. In his announcement, Sessions claimed that the creation of DACA was an “unconstitutional exercise of authority by the Executive Branch.” As a […]

When a Counteroffer Becomes an Open Offer

MADISON LEVINE—When negotiating plea deals under recommended sentencing guidelines, a judge may offer a downward departure to a defendant only when there exists an open offer by the state. According to State v. Lago, “the Court is prohibited from extending or accepting a plea that would result in a downward departure sentence once the state’s […]