Category Archives: Featured Article

2019 Symposium Spotlight: Melissa Medina

ELISABETH RABIN—This February, University of Miami Law Review’s annual symposium will examine the ways that attorneys, financiers, and other professionals guide their clients through cross-border investments and disputes, as well as the growth in international career opportunities that will accompany Miami’s transition from a regional hub to a “hemispheric innovation center.” Melissa Medina, president of […]

Tweeting Beyond Borders: Can Foreign Governments Compel Twitter to Release Private Data?

CAITLYN CULLEN—On October 28, Brazilians elected right-wing nationalist Jair Bolsonaro as their next president. Bolsonaro secured nearly 55% of Brazilians’ votes with a campaign that was heavily centered on his social media presence. Election results were met with a wave of both celebration and protest across the country, which comes as no surprise given the […]

The Unconstitutionality of Trump’s Executive Order to End Birthright Citizenship

ANGEL SANCHEZ—Who are “All persons born…in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”? The answer governs who is constitutionally entitled to birthright citizenship. The Citizenship Clause provides that: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein […]

The Rise of the Gig Economy: Can Labor Law Keep Up?

FRANCO PICCININI—The gig economy—the economic arrangement that connects short-term labor with immediate consumer demand via digital platforms—has become a hot topic in the past decade. Assessing the size of the gig economy has proven a difficult task, with estimates ranging from as low as 1% of the U.S. labor force to as high as 34%. […]

Florida Amendment 4 to Return Felon’s Voting Rights: A Conversation with Angel Sanchez

This article was originally published on the Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review website, and features an interview with UMLR candidate Angel Sanchez. We would like to thank Ms. Fate and the Harvard CR-CL Law Review for allowing us to share this post.  REBECCA FATE* (guest writer)—In the upcoming November election, Floridians will have the opportunity […]