Author Archives: Stern, Justin M

HHS Regs Vastly Expand Contraceptive Coverage Exemptions

EMILY WASSERMANN—On October 6th, new Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations went into effect broadening the scope of exemptions to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate. The requirement that for-profit entities be closely held in order to claim exemption has been eliminated, meaning large publically traded companies can now choose not to follow […]

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. No, #YouCantSueAHashtag.

KRISTEN TAYLOR—On Thursday, September 28, 2017, a federal judge in the Middle District of Louisiana ruled that neither Black Lives Matter nor its hashtag could be sued. The decision came after an officer with the Baton Rouge Police Department, who was injured during a Black Lives Matter demonstration on July 9, 2016, filed suit against […]

O Say Can You … Kneel? The legality behind firing NFL players for taking a knee during the National Anthem

TATIANA WASERSTEIN—On August 26, 2016, former San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick became the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality. Kaepernick explained that he is not going to “stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people.” Since then, several NFL players have […]

Faithful Execution of Florida Law, or of Florida Citizens?

SYDNEY FELDMAN—As State Attorney for Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit, Aramis Ayala is “the prosecuting officer of all trial courts in the [Ninth Circuit].” Fla. Const. art. V, § 17. In this capacity, Ayala is charged daily with making “tough choices as to which crimes to prosecute and which penalties to pursue in consideration of [her] […]

HIPAAH! The Morning After Your Healthcare Information is Hacked

MEGAN CHENEY—Following the massive Equifax data breach, industries are feeling the ripple effects of shock and large-scale consumer frustration over a perceived lack of data security. Among those shifting uncomfortably in their seats are healthcare organizations, whose data is even more lucrative to cyber criminals than credit information. The morning after your healthcare information is […]