Author Archives: Ford, Brittany R

Brenner v. Scott: Will the Eleventh Circuit Rule for Marriage Equality or Not?

BY ALIX COHEN — On August 21, 2014, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida declared Florida’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional in Brenner v. Scott. Now, three Florida officials are appealing the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. The Eleventh Circuit should affirm Brenner’s holding because Florida’s […]

Kain Colter Wins the First Quarter

BY STEVEN L. WILLBORN — Kain Colter won the first quarter. Colter, a quarterback, is trying to unionize the Northwestern football team. A Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) recently determined that Colter was an “employee” under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) and ordered an election to determine if the team wants […]

Real Men Advance, Real Women Retreat: Stand Your Ground, Battered Women’s Syndrome, and Violence as Male Privilege

BY MARY ANNE FRANKS, 68 U. Miami L. Rev. 1099 (2014). Introduction: Republican politicians and candidates made headlines during the 2012 election season for making unsympathetic, offensive, and inaccurate comments about rape. From Todd Akin’s infamous assertion that women rarely get pregnant as a result of “legitimate” rape because “the female body has ways to […]

A Call for Change: A Contextual-Configurative Analysis of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Laws

BY ELIZABETH MEGALE, 68 U. Miami L. Rev. 1052 (2014). Introduction: Public response to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin evidenced a drastic schism in community values. To some, the problem of “Stand Your Ground” represents purely a race issue that not only perpetuates endemic racial tensions amongst members of society, but also generally protects […]

“Stand Your Ground” Laws: International Human Rights Law Implications

BY AHMAD ABUZNAID, CAROLINE BETTINGER-LOPEZ, CHARLOTTE CASSEL, & MEENA JAGANNATH, 68 U. Miami L. Rev. 1129 (2014). Introduction: Since the February 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin and other recent high-profile criminal cases, “Stand Your Ground” (“SYG”) laws in the United States have come under intense scrutiny. Florida is ground zero for the controversy. SYG laws […]