Author Archives: Ford, Brittany R

The Evil Waiter Case

BY LUIS E. CHIESA, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 161 (2014). Introduction: The chef at a restaurant rings the bell signaling to the wait staff that food is ready to be taken to a table. The waiter diligently walks to the kitchen and picks up the plate. It is an exquisitely prepared filet mignon with […]

Right to Religious Freedom in the Workplace: U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Whether Abercrombie Violated Title VII by Refusing to Hire Muslim Woman with Headscarf

BY CAROLINE MCGEE — The Roberts Court has made headlines in recent years for its controversial decisions involving the right to religious freedom. The docket for the October 2014 term indicates that the Court remains intent on resolving disputes surrounding this fundamental First Amendment right. In Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, […]

Congratulations to Brian Toth, J.D. ’08, Recipient of the 2014 Daniel E. Murray Distinguished Service Award.

BY JENNA FELDMAN — The 2014 recipient of the Daniel E. Murray Distinguished Service Award is Brian Toth, J.D. ’08. The University of Miami Law Review presents this award annually to an alumnus of the Law Review for distinguished achievement in the field of law and continued dedication to the Law Review. This year’s award […]

Action Through Inaction: The Supreme Court’s Declination to Hear Recent Same-sex Marriage Appeals

BY CLAIRE HOWE — At the beginning of its October 2014 term, the Supreme Court released orders declining to review seven petitions based on state laws that banned same-sex marriage in five states. The states directly affected include Indiana, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Utah, and Virginia. In declining to hear the cases, the Supreme Court effectively affirmed […]

Four UMLR Candidates, Two Members Earn Spots on Charles C. Papy, Jr. Moot Court Board

Congratulations to University of Miami Law Review candidates Janelly Crespo, James Czodli, Jeremy D’Amico, and Brian Goldenberg, as well as to members Ben Muschel and Adrienne Scheffey, who each earned a spot on the Charles C. Papy, Jr. Moot Court Board. All the students participated in the John T. Gaubatz Moot Court competition in order […]