Tag Archives: UMLR

UMLR’s Editor-in-Chief Announced as One of 2020’s Finest Law School Writers

Please join us in congratulating our amazing leader and Editor-in-Chief, Hannah Gordon, for being named a “2020 Law360 Distinguished Legal Writing Award” winner. This honor is given to only 10 articles from entries submitted by the nation’s top law schools. For the past 20 years, the Burton Awards, a national, non-profit awards program, has recognized […]

Should it be Illegal to be Homeless? The Ninth Circuit Says No.

DAVID STUZIN—Of the many constitutional cases argued of late, lawyers and law students on the East Coast may have missed Martin v. City of Boise, a case argued before the Ninth Circuit. At stake in Martin was an issue that hit on a fault line of important American values. On the one hand, this case […]

Senate Stealth Jurors: Presidential Candidate-Senators And Their Status As Partial Jurors In The Senate Impeachment Trial Against President Donald J. Trump And Beyond

JOSE ESPINOSA—On December 18, 2019, the United States House of Representatives voted, largely upon party lines, to impeach President Donald J. Trump. The House passed two articles of impeachment, the first for Abuse of Power and the second for Obstruction of Congress. Now, as the United States Senate formally commences its impeachment trial, a select […]

AB5: Boon To Drivers or Existential Threat To Uber?

DANIEL THWAITES — Next year presages big changes for California’s so-called “gig economy” (a labor market characterized by short-term and independent contracts). This September, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), a controversial law that establishes a relatively high burden for employers seeking to classify their workers as independent contractors. In the past, courts […]

Primary Direct Listings: Is the Risk Worth the Reward?

PHILLIP ARENCIBIA—Currently, a private company that wishes to sell shares directly to the public must go through a difficult and expensive process, the  Initial Public Offering (“IPO”). The company would have to pay investment bankers, called underwriters, sizeable fees to facilitate a successful IPO. To help companies trying to avoid the high cost of an […]