Tag Archives: Symposium 2014

Judicial Fact-Finding and the Trial Court Judge

BY SHIRA A. SCHEINDLIN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 367 (2015). First of all, I want to thank the University of Miami Law Review for creating this Symposium and inviting me to speak, which gave me the opportunity to think very hard about something I had not thought about systematically. It is a treat to be […]

Prison Litigation and District Court’s Effect on the Electoral Process

BY LAWRENCE K. KARLTON, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 377 (2015). I was likely invited here because of my involvement in litigation concerning the California prison system; two of the cases I was involved in sought significant social change. The first case, Coleman v. Wilson,deals with the problem of providing adequate care for the mentally ill […]

The Most Efficient Finder of Fact: The Federal District Judge

BY VAUGHN R. WALKER, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 385 (2015). First of all, I want to extend my appreciation to the University of Miami Law Review for the invitation to be with you and to speak at the 2014 Symposium, Leading from Below. This is a beautiful law school on a delightful campus. You are […]

Federal Trial Judges: Dealing with the Real World

BY JACK B. WEINSTEIN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 355 (2015) Introduction: A realistic description of the federal trial judge’s role might be “Dealing with the Real World.” We are concerned with real people and the impacts of law on those people. We observe real lives through our window to the world. Where the law is […]