Tag Archives: Administrative Law

Financial Institutions Must Comply with FTC’s Revised “Safeguards Rule” by December 2022

MICHAEL NEWELL—The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”), created by congressional statute, is empowered to prescribe rules that define with specificity acts or practices in or affecting commerce that are unfair or deceptive and establish requirements designed to prevent such acts or practices. In October 2021, the FTC issued a final rule to amend the […]

Business and Marijuana: It May Be Time to Settle the Issue

MICHAEL CLINCH—Americans’ views on marijuana continue to shift in a favorable direction, fueling continued growth in the cannabis industry. Recreational marijuana is now legal in ten states and the District of Columbia, and New Jersey is likely to become number eleven. Also, thirty-three states and the District of Columbia allow some form of medical marijuana. […]