Category Archives: News

Volume 71, Issue 3 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 3 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the collection of essays, articles and notes covering a range of topics such as workers’ rights, patent alienability and gun regulation. UMLR dedicated countless hours to bring Issue 3 to fruition and we are proud of the final product. […]

UMLR Member Selected For Iron Arrow

UMLR‘s Articles and Comments Editor, Suzanne M. Aldahan, has been selected for membership in the Iron Arrow Honor Society. Iron Arrow is the highest honor attained at the University of Miami. Based on Seminole Indian tradition, Iron Arrow recognizes those individuals in the University of Miami community who exemplify the five qualities of Iron Arrow: Love […]

UMLR Member Develops Legal Citation App

One of UMLR’s 3L members, Tuvia Sandler, has developed a new app for Macs called “Legal Cite” that eliminates the time required to format bluebook citations by automating the process. This new app brings some relief to the lives of busy law students and is now available on the app store. Law students will no […]

Volume 71, Issue 2 Released

UMLR is proud to announce that Volume 71, Issue 2 is available on our website here.  Feel free to browse the opening remarks provided by Justice Stevens and Len Niehoff, along with a variety of essays, articles, and student notes. UMLR spent countless hours bringing Issue 2 to fruition and we are proud of the final […]

Memorial Service For UMLR Advisory Board Member George R. Harper

UMLR Advisory Board Member and international law practitioner George R. Harper passed away on February 20, 2017. Harper was a partner at the firm he founded in 2002, Harper Meyer Perez Hagen O’Connor Albert & Dribin. He was also actively involved in the South Florida legal community, serving as president of the Inter-American Bar Association in 2005 and as […]