Category Archives: Law Review members

Zika Spraying: When the Solution May End Up Becoming the Problem

LAUREN SWANSON—First it was Swine Flu. Then Ebola. Now Zika. Americans are not new to media creating substantially more fear than necessary when it comes to global health scares. Due to these scare tactics, Americans are usually ready to accept any protective measures to protect themselves. However, this time, instead of embracing the state’s efforts […]

Ban-the-Box to Ban-the-Résumé

LAUREN VAN BUREN—As an initial effort to help ex-offenders integrate into the workforce, the “Ban the Box” campaign emerged with the goal of removing from the job application the “check box” that asks if applicants have ever been convicted of a crime. Many activists believed this would increase diversity in the workforce by reducing the […]

UMLR Alumni Advisory Board Member Featured in Daily Business Review

UMLR would like to highlight one of its Alumni Advisory Board members, Peter Prieto, for being featured in the August 29, 2016 edition of the Daily Business Review. The publication wrote a piece about Prieto in its “Profiles in Law” section. The article is titled, “Prieto Plays at Top of His Profession in High-Profile MDL […]

Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Spiraling Towards Statehood?

ANNELISE DEL RIVERO—The United States’ favorite territory is in trouble: Puerto Rico is currently sinking fast under a crippling debt of over $70 billion dollars. Puerto Rican leadership admitted in 2015 that the territory will be unable to pay its debts and is running out of money.  The outlook on the island is bleak—unemployment is […]