Category Archives: Law Review members

U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021: DACA’s Permanency Now Lies in Congress’s Hands

ANA IONESCU—President Joe Biden vowed to achieve a permanent Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on his first day in office. In the wake of the Trump administration’s vigorous efforts to rescind DACA, the controversial immigration relief program stands on shaky ground, making it imperative to analyze the way in which it can attain […]

The Evolution of Private Prison Incarceration in the United States

MITCHELL ABOOD—Of the 142 facilities holding federal inmates, twelve are privately managed.  While private prisons may have the undeniable benefit of reducing a states incarceration costs, private prisons present a number of problems that outweigh this benefit. Inmates in private prisons are less likely to receive parole, leading to longer periods of incarceration. Moreover, people […]

COVID-19: Uncertainty Surrounding Coronavirus Impacts on the United States’ Prison System

MACY NIX—With the rapid increase of confirmed cases of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) and the uncertainty surrounding its containment, measures suggested to combat Coronavirus have had a rippling effect on both everyday life and the United States’ legal system. On Tuesday, March 17th, Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Canady set forth an administrative order, ordering the […]

Eleventh Circuit Applies Equal Protection Clause to Florida’s Amendment Four

GABRIELLE ENGEL—Florida is no stranger to election controversy. Beyond Bush v. Gore, today there are several pending issues in Florida involving early voting sites, Spanish-language ballots, and the location of Trump’s name on the ballot.  However, one issue appears to have been decided, at least for now. Florida Senate Bill 7066, a law intended to […]

Wash Your Hands, and Keep an Eye on Congress

JACOB STEMER—The Covid-19 pandemic has led to over two million infected people and over 150,000 deaths world-wide (as of April 19, 2020). In the United States, there are over 750,000 confirmed cases and over 40,000 confirmed deaths related to the novel coronavirus. Additionally, the pandemic has caused a near-complete shutdown of the “non-essential” aspects of […]