Category Archives: Featured

Foreword: The Evolution of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals: A New Era of Diversity on the Bench

BY HON. URSULA UNGARO, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 929 (2015). Foreword: From a historical perspective, 2014 was a pivotal year for the youngest circuit court in the nation. Within a four-month period, three new judges were confirmed and sworn in to serve on the Eleventh Circuit—all having clerked for distinguished Eleventh Circuit judges and all of them women. […]

Giving Judge Tjoflat’s Deference Analysis Its Due

BY JONATHAN D. COLAN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 973 (2015). Introduction: In United States v. Williams, Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat sought to clarify the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 3742(e)’s “due deference” standard and to fix, what he considered to be, the Eleventh Circuit’s inconsistent application of this provision in federal criminal sentencing appeals. Judge Tjoflat’s mission failed. […]

“Indispensable” Methods for Admitting General Causation Experts in the Eleventh Circuit

BY ERICA W. RUTNER & LARA BUESO BACH, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 999 (2015). Introduction: Cases involving medical causation often turn on the plaintiff’s ability to offer admissible expert testimony. In fact, in products liability cases proceeding in the Eleventh Circuit, plaintiffs are required to have admissible expert testimony establishing both general causation—that the agent in question […]

Congratulations to Bar-Passing UMLR Alumni

The current Members and Candidates of the University of Miami Law Review, Volume 70, would like to extend our most sincere congratulations to all of the UMLR Alumni who recently learned that they passed the Bar Examination. The Bar Examination is grueling in any state, but, in Florida, the two-day Exam is a particularly demanding requirement for admission to […]

Volume 70 Proudly Presents Its New Candidacy Class

The University of Miami Law Review warmly welcomes the following candidates to the our family and network. Congratulations to the following candidates. We look forward to working with you: Suzanne Aldahan Annie Brett Nicole Comparato Paige Comparato Beth Coplowitz Annelise Del Rivero Katie Duke Stephanie Erickson Franco Furmanski Sogol Ghomeshi Samuel Goodman Sara Klock Mark Kuivila Illexis Mazer […]