Category Archives: Featured Post

Partisan Purging?

ANNA ELISABETH DELLAPA—Courts around the country, including those in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Indiana, are struggling with the question of whether or not to allow each state’s Election Commission to purge hundreds of thousands of names from their voter registration rolls. The upcoming 2020 Presidential Election has amped up voter suppression efforts, sounding the alarm of […]

The Move to Remove the Electoral College

MACKENZIE GARRITY—Hillary Clinton won the national popular vote in 2016, yet Donald Trump was elected President. In fact, Clinton received approximately 3 million more votes than Trump. And so we ask: what swings the vote? The Electoral College. In fact, there are five Presidential elections wherein the popular vote winner was defeated by the Electoral […]

Primary Direct Listings: Is the Risk Worth the Reward?

PHILLIP ARENCIBIA—Currently, a private company that wishes to sell shares directly to the public must go through a difficult and expensive process, the  Initial Public Offering (“IPO”). The company would have to pay investment bankers, called underwriters, sizeable fees to facilitate a successful IPO. To help companies trying to avoid the high cost of an […]

Florida Court Rules Inability to Pay Fees Not A Bar to Voting for Former Felons

JOANNA NIWOROWSKI—On October 18, 2019, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled in Jones v. DeSantis that the State cannot bar former felons from voting due to their inability to pay fines and other costs associated with their convictions. The Court granted a preliminary injunction, which applies to 17 individuals […]

Collateral Damage: Evaluating the Relationship Between Police Action and the Takings Clause

EVAN GRAY—Imagine if, unbeknownst to you, your house became the site of a major police standoff, complete with explosions, SWAT teams, and flying bullets. Well, unfortunately for the Lech family, this is exactly what happened on June 3rd, 2015, when a robbery suspect, fleeing Walmart, entered the Lechs’ Colorado home and began firing a weapon […]