Category Archives: Featured Article

Florida Court Rules Inability to Pay Fees Not A Bar to Voting for Former Felons

JOANNA NIWOROWSKI—On October 18, 2019, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled in Jones v. DeSantis that the State cannot bar former felons from voting due to their inability to pay fines and other costs associated with their convictions. The Court granted a preliminary injunction, which applies to 17 individuals […]

Collateral Damage: Evaluating the Relationship Between Police Action and the Takings Clause

EVAN GRAY—Imagine if, unbeknownst to you, your house became the site of a major police standoff, complete with explosions, SWAT teams, and flying bullets. Well, unfortunately for the Lech family, this is exactly what happened on June 3rd, 2015, when a robbery suspect, fleeing Walmart, entered the Lechs’ Colorado home and began firing a weapon […]

Should Mark Zuckerberg Control What Is and Isn’t “Fake News?”

KELLY BECK—On October 23rd, Mark Zuckerberg testified in front of Congress, facing hostile and accusatory questions. One focal point of the testimony was what Facebook is doing to censor political ads and to combat misinformation leading up to the 2020 presidential election. While Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez grilled Zuckerberg, he stuck with his views that […]

The Promise of a More Perfect Union

NATALIE WHITACRE—“We are not seeking perfection. We are seeking a more perfect union.” – Rob Richie (President and CEO of Fair Vote) In the last two of the five U.S. presidential elections, the winner of the electoral votes—and ultimately the presidency—was not the winner of the national vote. Additionally, much of the presidential campaign battle […]

UMLR’s Emily Wassermann Nominated as Inductee Speaker at the Florida Supreme Court

Please join us in congratulating UMLR Alumni Emily Wassermann JD’18 on being nominated as the inductee speaker at the October 2nd ceremony for new attorney’s at the Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee. This honor is reserved for inductees who received some of the highest scores on the most recent Florida Bar Examination. Your UMLR family […]