Tag Archives: United States Supreme Court

I Lost My Cite in the Web!

BY DAN WOLFE — Arguably one of the greatest revolutions of our time, the Internet continues to find ways to make our lives easier every day. This author remembers when his fifth-grade teacher first allowed his class to use Internet sources for history reports. Even at ten years old, this author could appreciate how much […]

When Is a Guideline Not a Guideline?: Supreme Court Says Sentencing Guidelines Have Force of Law for Ex Post Facto Purposes

BY MATTHEW E. KOHEN — On June 10, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its opinion in Peugh v. United States. This case—involving the retroactive application of U.S. Sentencing Guidelines—implicates interesting constitutional concerns. In a term where some of the opinions issued (see, e.g., Salinas v. Texas and Maryland v. King) caused […]

In Maryland v. King, SCOTUS Examines Constitutionality of Law Enforcement DNA Profiling

BY LINDSEY MAULTASCH — On April 10, 2009, Alonzo Jay King, Jr. was arrested in Maryland on first- and second-degree assault charges. Pursuant to the Maryland DNA Collection Act, a swab was used to take a sample of King’s DNA.  On July 13, 2009, King’s DNA profile was uploaded to the Maryland DNA database. Shortly […]

Citizens Who?: Delaware Statute Provides New Tool For Corporate Disclosure of Political Spending

BY BRENDAN RYAN — Proponents of increased transparency for political spending by corporations may have discovered a new tactic in their battle to offset the impact of Citizens United: § 220 of Delaware General Corporation Law. On February 22, Qualcomm Inc., the country’s largest maker of computer chips for mobile devices, agreed to disclose additional […]

What Makes a Boat a Boat? Hint—It Is Not “Anything That Floats”

BY NATALIE HARRISON — Back in October, UMLR candidate Adam Fischer described oral arguments in Lozman v. City of Riviera Beach. Lozman involved an in rem action, under the Federal Maritime Lien Act, by the City of Riviera Beach against Fane Lozman’s floating home. Mr. Lozman protested that his home was a “floating residential structure,” more […]