Tag Archives: Steven Willborn

College Athletes as Employees: An Overflowing Quiver

BY STEVEN L. WILLBORN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 65 (2014). Introduction: Kain Colter, a football player at Northwestern University, is currently at the center of the discussion about whether college athletes are employees. He has filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) to recognize the College Athletes Players Association (“CAPA”) as […]

Kain Colter Wins the First Quarter

BY STEVEN L. WILLBORN — Kain Colter won the first quarter. Colter, a quarterback, is trying to unionize the Northwestern football team. A Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) recently determined that Colter was an “employee” under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) and ordered an election to determine if the team wants […]