Tag Archives: Medicare

Importation vs. Negotiation: How Differing Healthcare Policy Stances Affect the “Bipartisan” Issue of High Drug Prices

KATIE BLACK—Prescription drug prices in the United States are untenably high. So much so, in fact, that constituent concerns over skyrocketing drug costs have led to bipartisan support for the current solution: importing prescription drugs from Canada. Attempted legislation regarding drug importation is not new. In 2019, Senators Grassley and Klobuchar co-sponsored a bipartisan bill […]

Room for Improvement & Room for None: Jimmo Ruling Directs Medicare Agency to Improve Its Educational Campaign Regarding the “Maintenance Coverage Standard”

JOSHUA GUTTER—As reported by the Center for Medicare Advocacy, “in an Opinion and Order released on August 18, 2016, Chief Judge Christina Reiss, who oversees the ‘Improvement Standard’ case (Jimmo v. Burwell, No. 11-cv-17 (D.Vt.)), ordered the federal government, through its Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), to comply with the Settlement Agreement that she had […]