Tag Archives: Jack Weinstein

Jack B. Weinstein: Judicial Entrepreneur

BY JEFFREY B. MORRIS, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 393 (2015). Introduction: The University of Miami Law Review’s 2014 Symposium, Leading from Below, honored Judge Jack B. Weinstein for his extraordinary career as a private practitioner, government lawyer, advisor to legislators and executive officials, major legal scholar, and federal district judge for over forty-seven years. It […]

Federal Trial Judges: Dealing with the Real World

BY JACK B. WEINSTEIN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 355 (2015) Introduction: A realistic description of the federal trial judge’s role might be “Dealing with the Real World.” We are concerned with real people and the impacts of law on those people. We observe real lives through our window to the world. Where the law is […]

District Court Judges Taking Part in Police Reform: University of Miami Law Review’s 2014 Symposium

BY GINA RHODES — Last weekend, the University of Miami Law Review hosted its annual symposium, “Leading From Below,” with this year’s focus on district court judges influencing courts above them through their decisions. The two-day symposium began with a Keynote Address by The Honorable Jack B. Weinstein, a renowned district court judge in the […]