Tag Archives: Employment Law

Ban-the-Box to Ban-the-Résumé

LAUREN VAN BUREN—As an initial effort to help ex-offenders integrate into the workforce, the “Ban the Box” campaign emerged with the goal of removing from the job application the “check box” that asks if applicants have ever been convicted of a crime. Many activists believed this would increase diversity in the workforce by reducing the […]

Show Me the Money (I Think?): The Second Circuit’s New Test for Assessing the Legality of Unpaid Internships Creates More Questions Than Answers

SAM GOODMAN—As 2016 kicks off, employers will ramp up recruiting efforts at universities across the country to fill coveted summer internship positions. Should employers and students alike anticipate a changing internship economy? A recent pair of decisions in New York and Florida suggest that the answer may be yes. In July 2015, the Second Circuit […]