Tag Archives: DOJ

DOJ v. Visa: What Can We Expect as Consumers? 

BARAK KOREN—Americans spend over four trillion dollars using debit cards each year. But what really happens behind the scenes when you pull out your debit card at the grocery store to tap and pay? To illustrate, say you make a fifty-dollar purchase using your Visa debit card, issued by Chase Bank. This transaction will charge […]

“More Bark than Bite”? A.G. Sessions’ Promise to Return to Marijuana Enforcement

FILIP GRZELAK—As of January 2018, use of marijuana—either medical or recreational—is legal in 29 states and in the District of Columbia. However, under the federal law, possession of marijuana remains illegal and punishable by jail and monetary fines. In 2009, the Obama Administration decided it would not interfere with state marijuana laws, thereby limiting the […]