Tag Archives: Cuba

Trump on Changing Cuba: Keep Business Running as Usual or Pull the Plug?

OLIVIA CASTILLO—“Fidel Castro is dead!” were the four words that President-elect Donald J. Trump tweeted the morning after the world learned of the Cuban dictator’s death (exclamation mark included). As with most issues, Mr. Trump rarely chooses to remain silent and on this occasion, even less. The death of a tyrant always stirs much commotion, […]

Developments in United States Sanctions Policy: Turning Over a New Leaf

BY BRETT MORITZ—The United States has made notable changes to their foreign policy in recent weeks. The relationship between the United States and Cuba has changed dramatically with the recent decision to normalize diplomatic relations. This dramatic reversal comes after months of progressive thawing. Also, the United States has recently engaged Iran in high-level talks […]

Havana Rights: How Lifting the Cuban Embargo Could Affect Trademark Rights to the Cohiba Brand

BY DIANA JORDAN — Few trademarks rival the exclusivity of the Cohiba brand. But who should profit from the brand name cigars’ fame and notoriety? To resolve this decades-old dispute, American cigar manufacturer General Cigar and its Cuban counterpart, Cubatabaco, have decided to once again duke it out in classic American fashion—through litigation. In 1972, […]