Tag Archives: 3D Printing

The Battle for DIY Handguns

GABRIELA S. HERNANDEZ—On August 27, 2018, Judge Lasnik of the U.S. District Court for Western Washington issued a preliminary injunction blocking the Trump administration from releasing blueprints for 3D-printed handguns. Judge Lasnik reasoned that States may suffer irreparable harm if the blueprints are released to the public. This decision extended previous blocks of the blueprints’ […]

New Dimensions: 3D Printing and Intellectual Property Laws

BY LISA EBENSTEIN — Three dimensional (“3D”) printing has been around since the 1980s, but only recently has the technology become readily available.  3D printing is a process of making a three dimensional solid object from a digital model.  3D printing works by using additive processes, which involve joining successive layers of 2D patterns created […]