Category Archives: Law Review members

Digging Coal, Burying Regulations?: Legal Barriers to Proposed Energy Market Reform

KATRINA TOMAS—President Trump’s promise to end the “war on coal” has, in the past month, resulted in agency actions that endeavor to instigate a war on carbon regulation. On October 10th, U.S. Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, announced a proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the Obama administration’s fully finalized […]

Bitcoin: Legal Tender or Monopoly Money?

JOSEPHINE JORGENSEN—2017 is a big year for Bitcoin: its value continues to rise and reach new records. Bitcoin reached a record high of more than $7,400 on November 3, bringing the market capitalization above $124 billion. Those that bought into Bitcoin early on have made an impressive return on their investment. An original investment of […]

The Weinstein Company: A Board with no “Silver Lining”

KARINA LEITER—On October 5, 2017, The New York Times published a story that unveiled several sexual harassment accusations against well-known American film producer and co-founder of The Weinstein Company, Harvey Weinstein (“Weinstein”). Since that story broke, over forty women have come forward alleging that they too were victims of Weinstein’s inappropriate conduct. Many of these […]

HHS Regs Vastly Expand Contraceptive Coverage Exemptions

EMILY WASSERMANN—On October 6th, new Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations went into effect broadening the scope of exemptions to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate. The requirement that for-profit entities be closely held in order to claim exemption has been eliminated, meaning large publically traded companies can now choose not to follow […]

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter. No, #YouCantSueAHashtag.

KRISTEN TAYLOR—On Thursday, September 28, 2017, a federal judge in the Middle District of Louisiana ruled that neither Black Lives Matter nor its hashtag could be sued. The decision came after an officer with the Baton Rouge Police Department, who was injured during a Black Lives Matter demonstration on July 9, 2016, filed suit against […]