Category Archives: Featured

UMLR and UMBLSA Special Issue of Caveat

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, our nation has reckoned with protests, demonstrations, and civic unrest. We have witnessed a model for change on the local level in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Reformers have called for state and federal legislators to pass a police reform bill that adequately addresses the issue of police brutality. However, we […]

Are Some Cryptocurrencies a Type of Security? Congress Seems to Think So

ROSANA B. FERNANDEZ—Since its inception in 2009, governments all over the world have been struggling with how to regulate cryptocurrencies. Congress seems to have come up with a solution: calling it a security. As Congress prepared for their holiday recess, the House of Representatives introduced the “Cryptocurrency Act of 2020.” The bill’s stated purpose is […]

Combatting Unsolicited Text Messages: When Will Courts Draw a Line?

LAUREN THRONSON—Almost everyone understands the headache of spam callers dialing your cellphone, as well as the similar annoyance of receiving an unsolicited advertisement through a text message.  While Congress has tried to curb unsolicited calls to your home phone through the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the TCPA seems wildly underprepared for the modern era: […]

Fee Splitting: The Ethical Implications of Non-Lawyer Involvement

EVAN ROBINSON—Fee-splitting is a common phenomenon in the legal profession. Typically, fee-splitting occurs between law firms in two ways. The first occurs when two or more law firms work together on a case and split the hourly fees which they have billed the client. The second way occurs, most commonly among plaintiff’s law firms, when […]

Misunderstanding by Delay

GIDEON LEVY—In an atmosphere of growing bar passage rates, law student enrollment, and demand for law professors, law school exams are sure to (continue to) remain a hot button issue for years to come. Students and professors alike know the practice of exam taking and making as a “necessary evil.” But in the right hands, the final exam […]