Category Archives: Featured Post

Gone in a SNAP

STEPHANIE ERICKSON—The right to food, and to feed oneself in dignity, is a universal human right that has been acknowledged at every level of both national and international governance. Though this does not mandate that the government to universally provide free food, the universal right to feed oneself in dignity does mandate that the government […]

Worst Parade Ever? No, it’s the NYC Marathon

SARA KLOCK—To participate in a marathon, it takes endurance, stamina, and lots of food. Frankly, all day Netflix marathons can be exhausting. But for about 80,000 people, their type of marathon does not include sitting on the couch and watching the entire season of House of Cards (Season 4 comes out March 4th). Rather, these […]

Show Me the Money (I Think?): The Second Circuit’s New Test for Assessing the Legality of Unpaid Internships Creates More Questions Than Answers

SAM GOODMAN—As 2016 kicks off, employers will ramp up recruiting efforts at universities across the country to fill coveted summer internship positions. Should employers and students alike anticipate a changing internship economy? A recent pair of decisions in New York and Florida suggest that the answer may be yes. In July 2015, the Second Circuit […]

It’s Not Just a Burrito, It’s a Lawsuit

SUZANNE ALDAHAN—Chipotle Mexican Grill has been in the news a lot lately, and not because the restaurant chain finally decided to stop charging extra for the guacamole (although someone may want to tell their public relations staff that doing so might not be a bad idea). Rather, Chipotle began serving something a little extra with […]

The Judge is Supposed to be an Independent Arbiter; Allowing Boundless Judicial Discretion Violates the Sixth Amendment Under Hurst v. Florida

INGA IVSAN—The role of the trial judge in the plea bargaining process is not well defined at common law. Numerous cases cite the wide discretion of a trial judge without further analysis. However, there is a difference between the role of the trial judge in an adversarial system of criminal justice compared to a trial […]