Category Archives: Featured Article

College Athletes as Employees: An Overflowing Quiver

BY STEVEN L. WILLBORN, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 65 (2014). Introduction: Kain Colter, a football player at Northwestern University, is currently at the center of the discussion about whether college athletes are employees. He has filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) to recognize the College Athletes Players Association (“CAPA”) as […]

Marriage ≠ Marriage: Querying the Relevance of Equality to the Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships

BY JEFFREY A. REDDING, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 117 (2014). Introduction: The interstate recognition of relationships has posed numerous foundational questions for time immemorial. For example, both in United States and transnational practice, the portability of marriage and other interpersonal relationships, as well as the portability of these relationships’ terminations through devices like divorce, […]

Privacy In Public

BY JOEL R. REIDENBERG, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 141 (2014). Introduction: Data gathering drones at 17,500 feet, cell phone-based GPS trackers, wide distribution of facial recognition software, always-connected Google Glass, and social network tools all demonstrate extraordinary technical capabilities and collectively reflect that wide-scale deployment of information technology creates a very transparent world. In […]

The Evil Waiter Case

BY LUIS E. CHIESA, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 161 (2014). Introduction: The chef at a restaurant rings the bell signaling to the wait staff that food is ready to be taken to a table. The waiter diligently walks to the kitchen and picks up the plate. It is an exquisitely prepared filet mignon with […]

Real Men Advance, Real Women Retreat: Stand Your Ground, Battered Women’s Syndrome, and Violence as Male Privilege

BY MARY ANNE FRANKS, 68 U. Miami L. Rev. 1099 (2014). Introduction: Republican politicians and candidates made headlines during the 2012 election season for making unsympathetic, offensive, and inaccurate comments about rape. From Todd Akin’s infamous assertion that women rarely get pregnant as a result of “legitimate” rape because “the female body has ways to […]