Category Archives: Analysis

Eleventh Circuit Applies Equal Protection Clause to Florida’s Amendment Four

GABRIELLE ENGEL—Florida is no stranger to election controversy. Beyond Bush v. Gore, today there are several pending issues in Florida involving early voting sites, Spanish-language ballots, and the location of Trump’s name on the ballot.  However, one issue appears to have been decided, at least for now. Florida Senate Bill 7066, a law intended to […]

Wash Your Hands, and Keep an Eye on Congress

JACOB STEMER—The Covid-19 pandemic has led to over two million infected people and over 150,000 deaths world-wide (as of April 19, 2020). In the United States, there are over 750,000 confirmed cases and over 40,000 confirmed deaths related to the novel coronavirus. Additionally, the pandemic has caused a near-complete shutdown of the “non-essential” aspects of […]

Are Some Cryptocurrencies a Type of Security? Congress Seems to Think So

ROSANA B. FERNANDEZ—Since its inception in 2009, governments all over the world have been struggling with how to regulate cryptocurrencies. Congress seems to have come up with a solution: calling it a security. As Congress prepared for their holiday recess, the House of Representatives introduced the “Cryptocurrency Act of 2020.” The bill’s stated purpose is […]

Combatting Unsolicited Text Messages: When Will Courts Draw a Line?

LAUREN THRONSON—Almost everyone understands the headache of spam callers dialing your cellphone, as well as the similar annoyance of receiving an unsolicited advertisement through a text message.  While Congress has tried to curb unsolicited calls to your home phone through the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the TCPA seems wildly underprepared for the modern era: […]

The U.S. and the International Criminal Court: failing to lead by example

BRITTANY FINNEGAN—In March, the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) authorized Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. Bensouda, in her request for an investigation, attributed acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity to United States forces and intelligence personnel, in addition to Taliban and Afghan forces. The ICC, established 15 […]