Author Archives: Samuel Wardle

About Samuel Wardle

University of Miami Law Review Website Editor

Murderer’s Sex Change: Cruel, Or Just Unusual?

BY KELLY HEARD — When the Honorable Mark L. Wolf, a Massachusetts District Court judge, recently handed down a landmark ruling that Massachusetts taxpayers must foot the bill for a prisoner’s gender reassignment surgery, outrage ensued. Senator Scott Brown referred to the ruling as “an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars.” Brown’s opponent and Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth […]

Apple v. Samsung: Reinventing The Wheel

BY FREDDI MACK — “Reinventing the wheel” is a common idiom connoting unnecessary or redundant developments.   But when is “reinvention” of a product considered unlawful copying, and when is it considered a valid exercise of fair-market competition? While this theme permeated the landmark Apple v. Samsung trial, the verdict ultimately came down to a test of […]

The Honorable Paul C. Huck Examines Recent Developments in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals

Since the publication of last year’s Eleventh Circuit issue, the court has welcomed its newest member, Judge Adalberto J. Jordan. He was appointed to fill the seat vacated by Judge Susan H. Black in 2011 upon her decision to take senior status after nearly two decades of distinguished service. As Judge Jordan’s colleague on the Southern District of Florida bench […]

Does “Deferred Action” Affect Undocumented Immigrants’ Ability To Practice Law?

BY SAM WARDLE — A recent brief filed with the Florida Supreme Court raises an interesting question. Does the Obama Administration’s new “deferred action” policy for undocumented immigrants affect those immigrants’ ability to practice law? Jose Godinez-Samperio argues that it does. Godinez-Samperio is an undocumented immigrant who was brought by his parents to the United […]