Author Archives: Kevin Huguelet

What Expansion of the L-1B Visa Means for U.S. Companies

BY ROBERT ROGERS—The Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”), underneath the DHS umbrella, recently released a memo with relevant information for technology companies hoping to hire foreign employees with specialized knowledge. Read on to learn more about how this could affect you and what it means going forward […]

The Legal Theory Behind Kim Davis and Same Sex Marriage

BY KAILA PARTIN—“The Court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry.” The June 26, 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges signaled a day of celebration for many people across the United States and throughout the world.  Social media was flooded with worldwide support and excitement. Twitter reported the […]

President Obama’s “Student Aid Bill of Rights”: A Step in the Right Direction?

BY MALLORY MEADS—Today, more than 70% of individuals earning a bachelor’s degree graduate with debt.  Shockingly, this means that more than 40 million Americans have taken on debt in order to help finance their education. Still, with higher education often being viewed as “the surest ticket to the middle class and beyond,” the issue of student […]

Congratulations to Bar-Passing UMLR Alumni

The current Members and Candidates of the University of Miami Law Review, Volume 70, would like to extend our most sincere congratulations to all of the UMLR Alumni who recently learned that they passed the Bar Examination. The Bar Examination is grueling in any state, but, in Florida, the two-day Exam is a particularly demanding requirement for admission to […]

The “Surge”: The Tug-Of-War Between a Clogged Immigration System and Humanitarian Help for Unaccompanied Minors

“Adrian grew up mostly on the streets in Guatemala City, his abusive father a crack addict and his mother everywhere but around, leaving him with a thin, green-eyed prostitute friend who would sometimes have sex with johns right there next to him. He’d seen robberies, stabbings, shootings; he’d never once set foot in a classroom. […]